Saturday 16 April 2016

Clash of Clans Strategy - The Dragon Raid (Post 3/3)

This is the final post in the "How to use Dragons" series.  In this post we explore the 'how to attack' part of Dragon raiding.

Now that you have understood how dragons work and the theory behind the raid, it is time to put that into action.  Base selection is normally the key for any kind of raid, but the dragon is so OP that you *almost* don't have to worry about whether to drag a base or not, but you still need to be able to read the base design - and break it down so you can hit it the right way.  Even a bad base design can hold you to a single star if you hit it the wrong way!

So, how do you select the right way to hit a base?

Remember the basic rules:

  1. Where are the Air Defences?
  2. Where is the Air Sweeper and what level are they?
  3. Where is the Clan Castle?
  4. Where are the Storages?
  5. Dragons are pack animals.  Release them too slowly and they will die, one at a time.  Correctly funnelled (as per the suggestions below) and they will live and wreck havoc!
  6. Hit the side with the Air Defence early (not the side that has the Air Defence that you killed). You will need as many dragons as possible being alive and well while the Air Defences are taken out.
Here are a few examples to show different base types that we have encountered in different wars:

Standard configuration for many TH7 and TH8 Air Defences

With the 3 x Air Defences in this configuration, make sure you NEVER take out the middle Air Defence.  Always take out one of the sides.  Here, with the raid coming from the left, the right hand Air Defence has been removed with either 3 x Lightning, or 1 x Quake + 1 x Lightning.

Take care with the Sweeper.  It is well placed here, and your Dragons will be buffeted by it, and your loons even more so.  If you have been able to sneak along a Haste or Rage spell, use it once the Sweeper starts blowing, or once you engage the CC troops.  If not, hold the loons a little longer than usual.

You can see that the drags are released on the outside first, working in.  Lil B made sure of this by levelling the top 3 buildings early.  This will create the funnel for the main part of the attack.  Once the first two have engaged with the first of the buildings, drop the rest of the pack from outside to the centre.

If you have a Barbarian King, drop it near an Archer Tower as the dragons get close so it will hit the BK first, not the dragons.  He is there to tank for the dragons, and for clean-up if he is still alive.

Nonetheless, this should be a 3-star with relative ease.

Deep Set Air Defence

This base has protected its Air Defences with Storages, which is one of the key points to defending against Dragon raids.  That being said, he could probably have done it better!

By taking out the highest level Air Defence, it will give you clear access to the lower/right-most Air Defence.  The Loons are dropped at the wall once the Dragons pass it.  The goal is for the Loons to take out both Air Defences as they won't be distracted by the Storages.

If you remember from previous posts, Dragons get distracted by anything, but will focus on the Clan Castle troops as a priority.  Use this to your advantage.  As the Clan Castle troop(s) are released, they will draw your troops towards the Air Defences, reinforcing your Dragon Funnel.

Another pretty certain 3-star raid.

Begging to be "Dragged"

Realistically, this base is asking to be smashed by dragons.  The rear Air Defence is the target for your spells.

Once this is down, everything is in the attacker's favour.

The Sweeper won't cause any trouble for the left-hand hitting attack, and the position of the Clan Castle will draw the attack to the middle, helping confirm the funnel.

Because the Air Defences are spread pretty widely, make sure your dragon wall will encompass them both.

Another 3 stars.

Over time, I'll post some of the best, and the worst, of dragon raids.  It will show the power of the Sweeper as well as the effective use of the Dragon Funnel.

Have fun and Clash Hard!


Saturday 2 April 2016

Clash of Clans Strategy - The Fearsome Dragon Army (Post 2/3)

This army is strong and mighty and can wreak incredible damage on your opponent...if you do it right.  Dragons are pack animals, use them that way.

If you haven't seen it, go back and have a look at my post on "funnelling dragons" by clicking on this link.  This will give you the background to the army you need to put together to make a successful dragon attack.

Now, it is on to the composition of your army.

Town Hall 7

Clan Castle
Get your Clan Castle to 20 Spaces then take:

- 4 max Loons or
- 1 Dragon

If the Loons are not max level, don't take them and take the Dragon instead.

- 10 Dragons

3 x Lightning

Town Hall 8

Clan Castle
Get your Clan Castle to 25 Spaces then take:

- 5 max(only) Loons or
- 1 Dragon and either a max Loon or a Wizard and an Archer
- 1 Quake if not, then a Haste

- 10 Dragons

1 x Quake (hope for one in your CC and then take a Haste)
2 x Lightning

Town Hall 9

Clan Castle
Get your Clan Castle to 30 Spaces then take:

- 6 max(only) Loons or
- 1 Dragon and 2 Loons or
- 1 Dragon and any random troops
- 1 Quake if not, then a Haste

- 11 Dragons or
- 10 Dragons + 4 max Loons

1 x Quake (hope for one in your CC and then take a Haste)
2 x Lightning

Town Hall 10

- why are you using Dragons?  They probably won't work for you against your opponents...or...
- if you are hitting down, use the same as TH9 with 5 other CC spaces being filled by a Loon and take another Dragon in your army.

Remember, as a general rule for dragon raids, Clan Castle troops are not strike resources, but rather form part of the final push behind the main attack.

Have fun and Clash Hard!
