Monday 31 August 2015

Back to Terraria EP01

My last post was about a game that I found called Terraria. I loved that game so much that I have decided to start recording a game play series for Terraria. I have recorded Episode One and here it is.

In this episode I decided to check out the world and build some houses. I find many interesting things like demon altars, a slimy staff, a golden squirrel and I even end up drowning.

I had alot of fun making this video and I hope you have just as much fun watching it. Please comment what you think I should do in future videos and please subscribe to our channel.


The Video: Here

Friday 28 August 2015

Clicker Heroes: Patch 0.20!

Hey everyone, I'm back and here to talk about the new Clicker Heroes update, Patch 0.20! As you can tell, I am a big fan of this game and am happy to see constant updates so to keep the game feeling fresh and new.

This new update is definitely a good one due to the fact that it lets you play with friends and other players with the introduction of the new 'Clans' feature. It lets you fight in daily challenges against 'Immortals' and lets you chat to other clan members.

There are a two ways you can join a clan which is to find one by searching, or to create your own for 50 Gems. The game however, still keeps it fair (daily challenge wise) as when you find a clan, it matches you to clans with members that have similar highest zones.

This update was definitely a great one and I think the best way to understand it is to get in there and play on either steam, or at

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
- Deefooty

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Clicker Heroes: Gilded Heroes!

Hey everyone, today I'm here to talk to you about a certain aspect of Clicker Heroes which is Gilds. Gilds aren't so important in the early game and only really become relevant once you hit the Mid Game which is where I'm currently at.

Gilds are things that you can buy for 30 gems at the shop, or can be received every 10 levels (as long as you haven't reached that stage previously) that give your heroes a +50% increase in damage per gild. This number can be increased however through the use of Argaiv, Ancient of Enchantment.

My Gilds so far are as follows...

Samurai: 10
Atlas: 10
Terra: 141

Why these and why so many into Terra?

Well, Samurai is the most cost efficient hero up until you reach Atlas 1000 so it makes sense to put gilds into him to begin with. Samurai is so good that he is the best cost for DPS (Damage Per Second) efficient hero until he reaches level 2525. After this you go to Atlas 1525 then continue with that for each of the heroes after (these aren't exact but are fairly accurate (info from here)).

This strategy works really well for me and I am progressing steadily using the calculator and keeping my gilds up to date. I recently passed stage 1400 and will maybe to an update at stage 1500 so stay tuned for that.

Thanks very much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
- Deefooty

Friday 14 August 2015

Clicker Heroes: The Calculator

It was actually a while before I discovered the wonder of this beautiful tool for Clicker Heroes. I found it after going through some reddit posts, and have been using it ever since.

It works by taking your copied save or your in-putted data and gives you a most efficient way to spend your hero souls and who to put your gilds into and also which relics to salvage! It really is a very useful tool.

Apart from these factors, it also gives you an optimal level to ascend, an estimated time and a number of souls per hour that you should be receiving. On top of all of this, it also gives you ancient suggestions should you feel like you want to buy one.

The calculator can be found here.

How to get your save data? Click these in order...

Now you can close the save prompt because...

Now you can simply follow the listed improvements and start progressing (for me at least) waaaay faster!

Thanks a bunch for reading and I hope this helped!

Until next time!
- Blaze

Saturday 8 August 2015

Clicker Heroes: Level 1200 & Achievements

Well, It's been a long journey up to this point but I have made it past level 1200 which not only is a huge milestone in itself, but is also a huge milestone achievement wise!

Hitting level 1200 has been a great milestone for me as it makes me feel like through all these hours I have played, I am definitely making steady progress. My main strategy after ascending is to buy 1 level into everyone up to Frostleaf, then upgrading everyone to level 200 and buying all upgrades. After this I put my money into Samurai until he reaches 2525 which is when I start putting my money into Atlas.

This strategy works well as I have my gilds into Samurai and Atlas to speed things up.

Another great thing about this milestone is the achievement itself.

Not only do I get an extra 5% DPS increase, but I have unlocked a new section of the achievements.

These achievements are gained for every 200 levels passed after level 1000 and are some of the last achievements I have to get. In fact, apart from the level achievements, I only have to ascend, find relics and kill bosses!

That's all from me for today on Clicker Heroes. I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
- Blaze

Monday 3 August 2015

Clash of Clans: The Crystal League - Finally!

Hi all,

I just thought I'd drop by and share a realisation that I had the other day.  I am mid level 60s and I've been ramping up the Wizards and Healers, now that I have Level 5 Wiz, Archers and Giants.  Picking the right fight made for an easy win.  My trophy count was rising rapidly, but I still needed more cash to upgrade my defences and to keep that Research Center chugging away upgrading my army.

So, there I was, rapidly rising in the Trophy stakes from a lowly Gold Level 2 to a CRYSTAL LEVEL 3! Whoohoo! There is my new achievement and 250 gems, thanks very much.

But you know what?  It was started to get harder to find the right base to attack.  My minimum criteria of 200K Gold and 200K Elixir was starting to become more difficult to find.

I didn't really notice that much at first, but once I hit 2000 trophies, it was becoming really very obvious!  I had just marvelled at maxing out my 4M Gold and 4M Elixir only days earlier, but after spending those hard earned amounts, it was becoming a feat impossible to repeat!

And then I noticed something else.

No longer would the bad guys lie in wait and let me build my new army and quest again.  No, this time they were there, hiding around the camp, until we came home.  With my Barbarian King settling down for a hard earned nap, and my clan castle not always stocked to the brim...they were coming...from all over the planet, they were coming for me!

It was literally within minutes of finishing a fight when the first wave of attacks came through.  I know, I was sitting there like a big fat turkey, but as one who was very unused to feeling like this, it was quite shock!

Fortunately, my defence worked reasonably well and I kept them down under 40% with only moderate losses.  Time to get some more Clan Castle troops and reset some traps!

Then came the next attack - and the next!

It was mad.  Every 10 mins another attack came through until my base, alone and defenceless finally fell...and it fell hard.

I checked my Gold and Elixir levels and was stunned to see how much they had been reduced by those attacks.  And from that point onwards, every time I ran out of shield - there they were again, the bad guys, ready to pounce!

It was then that I realised I needed a new tactic.

It seems that shields are actually useful at this level - at least until you can get your defences maxed and even then...

Let's just say, I soon realised it was good to lose a fight by a very small margin, with minimum loot losses, then take the 12hr shield!

So, the Crystal League - pleasure and is where the real Clash of Clans challenge starts.

...more later...


Saturday 1 August 2015

Clicker Heroes: Relic Drops

Hey everyone! I'm back today with another Clicker Heroes post. In this post I'm going to be talking about relics and going over a few relic drops I've gotten recently.

Here is the first relic I found:

This relic is actually fairly good for me. The extra boss time is always helpful especially considering its so high, the other good things about this relic are the hero cost and treasure chest chance. Since I have Dora max, this is just a bonus and the hero cost is small but is useful.

Relic 2:

This relic is very handy yet again however I had a relic exactly the same just different looking. I decided to keep this one for the looks though :)

Relic 3:

This relic is absolute garbage. Seriously. As soon as I got this, I just salvaged. I mean, come on. Super Click duration and a minuscule amount of idle dps is just nothing compared to my current.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.

Until next time!

- Blaze