General Rules
2. No swearing. We have junior clan members. One warning is all you will get, and repeat offenders will be banned.
3. No IRL. This is a game and we are our Chief / Base names.
4. Donate what is asked for. Prank donations are not appreciated and repeat offenders will be kicked. Asking for "anything" or similar really does mean "anything" and low level troops are fine to donate. In war, only TH9+ to donate to attacking CC.
5. Read all of the WeLiveForWar posts on this blog before nominating yourself for war. Click on the label to filter all WeLiveForWar posts.
War Setup
2. Do not donate for war base defence unless requested. Deefooty and Morgrim will get this sorted out.
During War
1. Use your 2 attacks.
2. DO NOT attack without a Clan Castle, and only donate max troops.
3. TH8 and below must be 3-starred. Less than 3 stars means another clan member needs to clean that base and it is a wasted attack. That being said, if you did your best and honestly thought you could 3-star but didn't, no sweat. We only want people to try.
4. Hit one base lower than your number in war for your first attack (in other words, one lower than your mirror). This gives a greater chance of 3 stars. Double-check in chat to confirm your second attack.
5. Hit for loot only when all TH8 and lower are 3-starred.
And remember, have fun!!