So, I've been grinding out ascensions and upgrading my ancients. Collecting up gilds and slowly progressing further into the levels. During this time I've reached a few big milestones and today I'm going to share them with you.
First of all, I've reached a new highest zone ever of 1664! This means I've added one more achievement to my collection for both steam and the actual game, and that I've now got only 13 total achievements left to get in the game, most of them being stage related.
Finally is an update on my gilding. I have gathered up a total of 187 gilds across all of my heroes and very recently regilded into Phthalo. Since the way I save up for Phthalo is to level up (starting at Dread Knight) all the ranger heroes to level 400 then move onto the next one. This means Dread to 400 then Atlas, Terra then finally I put the rest of my money into Phthalo before ascending as I slow.
This new strategy works wonderfully for me and I'm hopefully going to be getting into much higher levels after this regild.
Thanks a bunch for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Also, I will be creating the clan with my browser account shortly (just need more rubies) so please be on the lookout for that, remember, there are no level requirements but you must comment on the post with your ign and highest zone ever (hze).
Until next time!
- Deefooty
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