Hi all,

I just thought I'd drop by and share a realisation that I had the other day. I am mid level 60s and I've been ramping up the Wizards and Healers, now that I have Level 5 Wiz, Archers and Giants. Picking the right fight made for an easy win. My trophy count was rising rapidly, but I still needed more cash to upgrade my defences and to keep that Research Center chugging away upgrading my army.
So, there I was, rapidly rising in the Trophy stakes from a lowly Gold Level 2 to a CRYSTAL LEVEL 3! Whoohoo! There is my new achievement and 250 gems, thanks very much.
But you know what? It was started to get harder to find the right base to attack. My minimum criteria of 200K Gold and 200K Elixir was starting to become more difficult to find.
I didn't really notice that much at first, but once I hit 2000 trophies, it was becoming really very obvious! I had just marvelled at maxing out my 4M Gold and 4M Elixir only days earlier, but after spending those hard earned amounts, it was becoming a feat impossible to repeat!
And then I noticed something else.

No longer would the bad guys lie in wait and let me build my new army and quest again. No, this time they were there, hiding around the camp, until we came home. With my Barbarian King settling down for a hard earned nap, and my clan castle not always stocked to the brim...they were coming...from all over the planet, they were coming for me!
It was literally within minutes of finishing a fight when the first wave of attacks came through. I know, I was sitting there like a big fat turkey, but as one who was very unused to feeling like this, it was quite shock!
Fortunately, my defence worked reasonably well and I kept them down under 40% with only moderate losses. Time to get some more Clan Castle troops and reset some traps!
Then came the next attack - and the next!
It was mad. Every 10 mins another attack came through until my base, alone and defenceless finally fell...and it fell hard.
I checked my Gold and Elixir levels and was stunned to see how much they had been reduced by those attacks. And from that point onwards, every time I ran out of shield - there they were again, the bad guys, ready to pounce!
It was then that I realised I needed a new tactic.
It seems that shields are actually useful at this level - at least until you can get your defences maxed and even then...
Let's just say, I soon realised it was good to lose a fight by a very small margin, with minimum loot losses, then take the 12hr shield!
So, the Crystal League - pleasure and pain...it is where the real Clash of Clans challenge starts.
...more later...